Thursday, September 24, 2009

Motorcycle Accident Attorney

The motorcycle accident attorney left the hospital room after visiting his client, a young seventeen year old kid, barely hanging on to life after a car crossed the median and struck the biker head on. It's not a rare scene across the country, for over seventy five thousand bikers are injured every year, and over four thousand are killed. With the rise in gas prices, more and more motorcycles will be on the road, and these statistics are expected to climb dramatically in the years to come. One half of all motorcycle accidents are collisions with other vehicles, many occurding because the cycle is not seen by the other driver. One third of all cycle drivers who die lost their lives while speeding and one half of all fatal accidents on cycles were connected with illegal alcohol consumptions. In addition, One fourth of all fatalities on cycles were with drivers who did not have the proper licenses for the cycle, and in 2003, almost six hundred and fifty lives could have been saved with the use of helmets.

The motorcycle injury lawyer was an expert in the field of motorcycle accidents because the man had ridden a Harley almost every weekend for twenty five years. He was much attuned to the fine details in an accident report involving clients on motorcycles, and had made the cycle laws in his state of residence the highest priority. Through a thorough examination of the accident report the motorcycle accident attorney found out that the cycle driver had been driving normally and carefully, abiding the speed limit and flowing well with the traffic. In this case, it was a drunken driver who, having just left a neighborhood bar and was at two times the legal limit for impairment, fell asleep, crossed the median and struck the high school senior. Thanks to superb medical care and the prayers of his family, the young man recovered enough physically to know what had happened and to converse with family and friends, but was paralyzed from the waist down. He would miss his entire senior year in high school, and be unable to attend the university of choice in the fall. "The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down: the Lord loveth the righteous." (Psalm 146:8)

One of the most difficult hurdles that any motorcycle injury lawyers has is the often unspoken prejudice that the general public has about the character of cycle drivers. This perception has often been fueled by some cycle drivers who seem to love revving up a loud road machine in quiet neighborhoods, often dart in and out of traffic to gain advantage and often travel together in large numbers for weekend outings, sometimes blocking roads for miles. This particular motorcycle accident attorney knew the culture, the unspoken prejudices, the various makes and models of the machines and the law that protected the drivers of these two wheeled roadsters. The young man's family came to trust the barrister's expertise and knowledge and followed the attorney's advice carefully. The family genuinely felt that the barrister had empathy with the family, because of the attorney's own experiences riding a cycle so often.

A competent motorcycle accident attorney will do a number for things for the client. First, the law professional will deal directly with the insurance companies involved. Insurances companies can often attempt to draw out litigation cases for years, or offer a subpar settlement to ill informed victims. The law professional will talk to witnesses, takes important photos of injuries and accident locations, and if needed, will hire an accident reconstruction engineer or other professionals as needed. A motorcycle injury lawyer knows through long experience how much claim should be made against the person who caused the accident to occur. Factors going in to deciding the size of claim include, damage to personal property, payment of all medical bills and perhaps future ones as well and pain and suffering compensation.

A motorcycle injury lawyer will always advise a client not to talk to any insurance company and usually to a law enforcement officer unless he or she is present during the conversation. The law professional will also advise the client at the beginning of a relationship that there are no guarantees in terms of outcome of any case so that no false expectations are assumed. In most cases, a motorcycle accident attorney will work on a contingency fee basis. In this agreement, the victim never pays court costs or expert witness costs, but is paid by the law firm. The motorcycle injury lawyer is paid a sizable sum of the final court settlement, often a third of the award amount, but these fees are governed by state laws and state bar rules.

A law firm that specializes in two wheeled road machine accidents and has impeccable credentials will communicate constantly with each and every client, keeping both the victim and his/her family appraised of new twists and turns in the legal road, as well as updates on the progress of the case. When choosing a law firm to represent a cycle rider who has been injured or even killed, it is very important to seek out former clients who have used the firm and verify its competency, reputation, doggedness and caring approach. Do not be afraid to ask if the lawyer himself or herself is a cyclist, and how many cases have been won for other clients.

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