Thursday, September 24, 2009

Burn Injury Lawyer

The burn victim attorney bounded up the steps of the hospital dedicated to providing free care to all children suffering from burn injuries. The burn injury lawyer had driven seventy five miles in the middle of the night to answer the bidding of the demanding voice of an older man identifying himself as the grandfather of the eight year old girl with first degree burns covering over half of her body. The floor waxing machines were whirring on every piece of tile at every elevator stop and most of the nurses were at their stations because many of the patients had found a few hours of blissful sleep in the middle of their agony. He got off at the seventh floor and took a deep breath. The burn injury lawyer and father of three children was never ready for what he would see in a few seconds.

Over thirty three thousand victims of these horrible burns have with trauma over at least twenty five percent of their bodies and are hospitalized each year with children making up the majority of patients. Walking into a room where a child is visibly disfigured and perhaps in a canopy and highly sedated is a scene that will shake the inner core of any caring person. The little girl had been screaming in agony until the heavy doses of medicine did its blessed job of taking her into a state of perpetual sleep. Her parents huddled around the girl, obviously exhausted by the ordeal that had occurred some eight hours before. They were not even aware that the maternal grandfather had called the burn victim lawyer and seemed somewhat surprised that a stranger cared enough to come in the middle of the night. After a few minutes of just being a silent supporter, the burn injury attorney saw the grandfather motioning that it was time for an exit and a talk.

The burn victim attorney knew that there are many causes for children's catastrophic burns to occur. For instance, car accidents, gas explosions, scalding water, gasoline spills, matches and lighter and caustic solutions in some cleaners are all part of the infamous family of burn causes. But when the grandfather told the burn injury attorney about the little girl's freakish accident, the man shook his head in disbelief because this was a first in his years of law practice. The little girl had pulled a Christmas candle over on her by accident and the pajamas she had been wearing went into an inferno. There was no one around, the little one was upstairs alone, and only the intense screams brought the parents to the girl's room, but only after the little girl had been burned severely. In less than ten seconds, her pajamas had not only disintegrated, but much of what was left had melted into the now open wounds.

The wise grandfather had remembered a television news story several before about flammable pajamas being taken off the shelves of giant chain stores and told the recollection to the burn injury attorney. The clothing had only been on the shelves about four days before they were suddenly removed. The pajamas, a product of a giant far eastern country that has produced many products that have been recalled, had been found by inspectors to be almost instantaneously flammable. The grandfather remembered that the father of the burn victim had liked the way the pajamas looked with their Christmas designs and bought several pairs for both children. And now the grandfather wondered out loud about the possibility of the store and the distributor being liable for allowing the clothing to ever go on the market. Would the burn victim attorney look into the case right away?

The burn injury lawyer began by explaining how wrongful death suits unfold. They often take several years or more to litigate, and the insurance companies often try every way possible to delay paying liability claims. There are some important pieces in the suit that must be present. The barrister explained that he would deal directly with the insurance companies involved. The barrister explained that part of the job would be to talk to the store where the pajamas were purchased, take important photos of the accident location, and if needed, would hire an accident reconstruction engineer or other professionals as needed. The law practioner would also meet with representatives of the manufacturer and distributor.

The burn injury lawyer explained that long experience in this field would decide how much of a claim should be made against the person or persons whose actions caused the tragedy to happen. Factors going in to deciding the size of a claim include damage to personal property, payment of all medical bills presently and through the life of the victim as well and pain and suffering compensation. The barrister reminded the grandfather to have a no communication policy with any insurance company or store representative unless he was present during the conversation. The barrister also advised the grandfather that there were no guarantees in terms of outcome of this case or any case so that no false expectations were assumed. "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

The law practitioner also explained that there would be no expense to the family for the attorney's services unless a judgment was won against the store or manufacturer or both. All court costs, including expert witnesses, accident reconstruction and depositions would be paid by the attorney. According to state law and approved by the bar association, the lawyer would receive up to a third of the final monetary judgment against the driver. The grandfather thanked the burn victim attorney profusely for coming. The family would make a decision within twenty four hours.

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